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Our Alliances/CSR

Nihal Foundation

Empowering Lives, Inspiring Change! At Nihal Foundation, we are committed to fostering a world where human values, ethical behaviour, and inclusivity thrive. Through our multifaceted approach, we strive to create a culture of compassion, integrity, and empowerment that resonates across all aspects of society. Our Mission: Promoting Human Values: We provide an inclusive platform for individuals from all walks of life to embrace and promote human values. By cultivating empathy, respect, and kindness, we aim to foster a more compassionate and harmonious world. Adding Value: Nihal Foundation is dedicated to instilling in students the importance of 'adding value' to their own lives and the lives of others. Through education, mentorship, and community engagement, we empower individuals to make meaningful contributions to society


At student space, we are dedicated partners in enhancing student achievement and fostering academic success. Our innovative software solution is designed to track and support students throughout their educational journey, with a focus on increasing retention rates, facilitating successful transfers to four-year colleges, and boosting degree completion rates. Our Mission: student space is committed to empowering institutions to measure and improve student achievement through competency-based learning.

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